Prabhuji’s Gifts is about more than alluring fragrances, natural purification, devotional expression, and environmental and social awareness. There is another beautiful aspect of our company that we want to tell you about. We’ve been quiet about it for too long…
Taking the Way of the Flower
Prabhuji’s Gifts did not come to being to be just another business; we strive to be like a blossoming flower. We want to give something positive and inspiring to the world. We spread beautiful fragrances and colors, leaving people with smiles on their faces and love in their hearts. Flowers do not ask anything in return for what they give. Whatever they receive, be it water, soil, or the rays of the generous sun, they always utilize what they’ve been given in order to give more…. so do we. While we reinvest a portion of our profit in our company, we donate the rest (50% or more) to the Prabhuji Mission, a spiritual organization based in New York that, in turn, invests these donations to various humanitarian and spiritual projects. In this way, we ensure that every penny that we have is utilized in the form of giving something beautiful to the world.
Among these noble projects, our donations are invested in: Prabhuji Food Rescue, Prabhuji Food Distribution, Prabhuji Ashram, Prabhuji Library and more.
The World’s Key Problem: Imbalance

If we take the world as one united organism, one living body, we notice that it is suffering from terrible diseases of hunger, war, global warming, ignorance, stress and much more. Naturally, as individual parts, or shall we say cells, in this unhealthy organism, we become worried and feel the urge to do something to try to save ourselves. We search for various therapies and medicinal cures to heal our collective body.
According to Ayurveda, the ancient Vedic medicine, disease is defined as a “state of imbalance”, and any attempt to heal someone strives to reestablish balance in the body. On the individual level, imbalance can manifest on the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual aspects of the human being.I On the global level, the organism of this world that we all share also suffers disharmony in these different realms.
The humanitarian and spiritual projects that we support are striving to contribute balance and equilibrium on this level:
The Prabhuji Food Rescue Program addresses the physical imbalance, dealing with the astonishing fact that there is such an excess of food in some countries that tones of it is being thrown away daily, even though it’s still perfectly edible. Meanwhile, millions go to sleep hungry, unable to afford basic nourishment for themselves and their children.
The Prabhuji Food Distribution Program addresses this hunger and poverty in rural areas in various countries, as well as in New York City where many rely on these daily rations. Project Relaxation for War Veterans addresses the mental and emotional imbalance in the world, offering the opportunity to relax and recover mentally and emotionally in a peaceful environment to those who experienced violent and stressful situations while serving in their country’s military. Finally, the Prabhuji Ashram and the vOpen Library address the spiritual aspect. In fact, in his book Yoga … Union With Reality, Prabhuji refers to spiritual ignorance as the root cause of all other problems:
The Prabhuji Ashram and Open Library offer opportunities for people to study and engage in spiritual practices for varying periods of time in a serene and beautiful environment in New York State’s Catskill Mountains, ideal for self-exploration, meditation and contemplation.“Humanity has no lack of land, but there are wars over territory. There is no shortage of food, but there is malnutrition. The earth is overpopulated, but there is loneliness…The true problem of the human being is that he does not know what his problem is. His real tragedy is his ignorance about himself: he doesn’t know who or what he is; he is disconnected from his source and origin, which is the Self. This ignorance is the very root of the ego. (Purna Yoga chapter).
With all the above said, we want to share this side of our company with you so you will know that every dollar that you spend on our products will contribute something positive and beautiful to the world. At the same time, we hope that the products you purchase from us will bring positivity and beauty to our own world.
We thank you for shopping with us and joining our way of the flower. Together, we look forward to cultivating a beautiful garden of giving, sharing and loving.
When you shop online, look for the “Donation to our humanitarian projects” option in the checkout!