Video Lectures
Prabhuji is a writer, painter, an avadhūta, a universalist Advaita mystic, the creator of the Retroprogressive Path, and a realized spiritual master. He holds a doctorate in Vaiṣṇava philosophy from the respected Jiva Institute of Vedic Studies, Vrindavan, India, and a doctorate in yogic philosophy from Yoga-Samskrutham University, Florida, USA.
In 2011, with the blessings of his Gurudeva, he adopted the path of a secluded bhajanānandī and withdrew from society to live a contemplative hermit life. Since then, his days have been spent in solitude, praying, writing, painting, and meditating in silence and contemplation.
Prabhuji is the sole disciple of H.D.G. Avadhūta Śrī Brahmānanda Bābājī Mahārāja, who in turn is one of the closest and most intimate disciples of H.D.G. Avadhūta Śrī Mastarāma Bābājī Mahārāja.
Prabhuji was appointed as the successor of the lineage by his master, who conferred upon him the responsibility of continuing the sacred paramparā of avadhūtas, officially appointing him as guru and ordering him to serve as Ācārya successor under the name H.H. Avadhūta Śrī Bhaktivedānta Yogācārya Ramakrishnananda Bābājī Mahārāja.
Prabhuji is also a disciple of H.D.G. Bhakti-kavi Atulānanda Ācārya Mahārāja, who is a direct disciple of H.D.G. A.C. Bhaktivedānta Swami Prabhupāda. We could affirm that Gurudeva Atulānanda affectionately assumed the role of guide during his initial stage of learning, and because he was his first guru, he is considered the grandfather of Prabhuji Mission. For his part, Guru Mahārāja was Prabhuji's second and last guru and provided him with guidance during his advanced stage. Gurudeva acted as the primary educator at the dawn of his spiritual development, while Guru Mahārāja exercised with great diligence the role of master at the highest level, accompanying him until his realization.
Prabhuji’s Hinduism is so broad, universal, and pluralistic that at times, while living up to his title of avadhūta, his lively and fresh teachings transcend the boundaries of all philosophies and religions, even his own. His teachings promote critical thinking and lead us to question statements that are usually accepted as true. They do not defend absolute truths but invite us to evaluate and question our own convictions. The essence of his syncretic vision, the Retroprogressive Path, is self-awareness and the recognition of consciousness. For him, awakening at the level of consciousness, or the transcendence of the egoic phenomenon, is the next step in humanity’s evolution.