Prabhuji’s Gifts’ “official” history started 32 years ago, but the journey begun years earlier, and it is spread over different continents and various religions and traditions.
The incense calling
It all started in 1970. Prabhuji, the spiritual master and the founder of the Prabhuji mission, was then a just young boy of 12 years old, and his family relocated from Chile to Israel for two years. For the first time in his life, the little child saw people from various countries and cultures. In his neighborhood lived a family from India. Every day, when passing by their house Prabhuji noticed a mysterious fragrance in the air. Without knowing what it was, his soul felt an attraction to that fragrance. He would stop by the house for a few minutes, enjoy the aroma, and continue his way.

Back in Chile, in 1976, Prabhuji, a youthful spiritual seeker, was attracted to Krishna temple in Puente Alto, where he did his first steps in Krishna Bhakti. There, during the puja ceremony to their Lordship Shri Shri Radha Krishna, he noticed again the same type of attractive fragrance he remembered from his childhood. He realized that the aroma originated from the smoking incense the priest offered in the ceremony. This time the magical scent enveloped him with an intense devotion to Lord Krishna and sweet yearning to Him.

One evening, while walking in the streets of a small town in south India, Prabhuji sensed in the air a truly wonderful incense scent that instantly led him into an ecstatic meditative state. The fragrance was so irresistible that Prabhuji could not help but going after it, finally reaching the residence of a humble man, engaged in his evening worship and meditation. It turned out that the man was from a family of traditional perfumers, masters of crafting natural incense according to ancient formulas. The man hand-crafted this incredible incense by mixing herbs, resins, spices, and gums. He was offering the fragrant smoke of his creation to the Divine in his evening Puja.
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