If you suddenly realized that God was standing in front of you, and playing the most enchanting music to boot, what would you do? Let us tell you about Sri Sri Radha, who found herself doing just that. She broke all the rules.
There is a much-told Hindu love story that took place more than 5,000 years ago when Lord Krishna, an avatar of Lord Vishnu, was playfully enjoying his youth while herding cows with his friends in India. The gopis, which is what they called the cowherd girls, worshiped and loved the adorable Krishna. When he would play intoxicating melodies on his flute in the forest, the gopis would drop whatever they were doing and run to him. He was simply irresistible.
But it was Radha—herself a divine incarnation of the Goddess Lakshmi—whose pure heart and devotion toward Krishna stood out the most. And with divine reciprocation, Krishna was completely devoted to her. While Krishna enchants the world, Radha enchants even him.
Though she was already married, like many of the other gopis, she was completely surrendered to him with an eternal and unconditional love. This is where we could say the rules were officially broken, on the earthly plane, that is. In reality, on the transcendental level, everything was perfect.
Their love took place on the transcendental plane where their never-ending devotion symbolizes the highest and purest love.
Their love is so elevated and pious, and not to be confused with any earthly usage of the word, that they are still worshiped together to this day: Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, a single name. Their love symbolizes the highest level of devotion and Radha’s importance is nearly as important (if not more so according to some) than Krishna’s, according to those who worship Vishnu. Together they represent both the feminine and masculine aspects of God. She is Krishna’s shakti, the feminine manifestation of divine energy.

Now this is where you get involved, especially if you’re on a spiritual quest.
Radha’s great gift of undying devotion for her eternal consort portrays her openness, surrender, one-pointedness and love for Krishna. In this way, she attracts divinity itself. While Radha worships Krishna, he becomes devoted to her. This transcendental love symbolizes what many of us seek in our spiritual endeavors.
Her qualities are ideal for one to experience true meditation, a significant spiritual practice for seekers of the Truth. It is this union of the male and female energies—the divine romance of Radha—that we aspire for in meditation.
“Meditation is to get closer to reality. To meditate is to sit and look in you.”
~ Prabhuji
Want some help getting into the mood to meditate? Discover the depth within yourself while burning any of the three nectarous fragrances of our Meditation Incense. Each aroma has been given one of the names of Sri Radha, whose undying devotion for her eternal consort Sri Krishna symbolizes the internal potency of the Divine. These sweet, velvety and floral scents with distinctly feminine nuances have been designed according to ancient recipes to bring you to the present moment, where union with the Divine can naturally take place in the state of meditation.
“To meditate is to observe yourself without the intervention of the mind. To meditate is to observe yourself without the intervention of the known. To meditate is to observe yourself without the intervention of the past.” ~ Prabhuji
===============The 3 sweet, velvety and floral Meditation Incense fragrances have been designed according to centuries-old recipes to bring you to the present moment. It is in the here and now that the blissful state of meditation takes place. Each aroma has been given one of the names of Sri Radha. But why Radha? Radha is a manifestation of the Divine Mother within Hinduism. She has the great gift of undying devotion for her eternal consort Sri Krishna. It is through her openness, surrender, one-pointedness and love for Krishna that she attracts divinity itself, ideal qualities for true meditation. It is this union of the male and female energies—the divine romance of Radha—that we aspire for in meditation. For more information on individual fragrances and their purposes, visit prabhujisgifts.com